March 2nd, 2025 – Sunday

St Matthew Catholic Elementary School
200 Windwood Drive, Binbrook
No parking in the fire/bus lane, please and thanks!
Our sincere thanks as always, to the HWCDSB for their kind support in running this event, but they are not a sponsor, nor tied to the event in any way.
8:30am to 2:00 pm – All are welcome – It’s a Scouting Inclusive Event – Details at the end
Not sure what this is all about? …. this is a link to our OLD webpage, where we have past race stats, and if you scroll down, the details from past regional events we ran. If you Google “pinewood derby”, you’ll also get some great ideas!
We’ve got racing, trophies, music, food, snacks, and some social time with their Scouting peers!
$15 admission, includes a solid pizza lunch, beverage, souvenir crest, and prizes. (payable at the registration table, on race day)
All payments should be made to 1st Binbrook Scouting Group.
(cash, cheque, credit card, or debit card)
Or – if you wish to pay ahead, Interac e-Transfer to
Prices frozen for 2025!! – as you may recall, the HWCDSB, who is very supportive, entered into a new caretaking contract for 2024, and had to raise our rental fee substantially for the entire weekend. But that has not grown for this year, so we’ll hold!
Snack bar, drinks, also available throughout the day.
Additional Adult/Parent/Leader, and non-participating youth lunch tickets, will be on sale at the arrival desk, prior to 10am.
Additional badges (for leaders or others) will be for sale, after check-in of participants is completed and we have verified that we have enough.
Email to register please… this is mandatory ahead of time, even if you aren’t sure you can make it.
We need the names, group, and race class, of ALL participants (or even potential participants) before February 28, THIS WILL HELP US AVOID ANY DELAYS ON THE MORNING OF THE RACE. If you register, and don’t show up, that is a-OK – we only schedule those who actually check-in.
Groups can send us an entire spreadsheet of their whole group, if they want.
(it is better to have you in the computer, and not check you in, than to have to stand there typing your name into a computer!)
We may have to limit the numbers this year, so once the maximum is reached NO WALK-IN REGISTRATION WILL BE ALLOWED.
Timing: Check-in starts at 8:30am, Grand Howl at 9:15, 9:30 Racing start
Approx 11:30 lunch with drink, included for youth and others with lunch ticket
(pizza! – please bring alternatives if this is a problem for your youth)
Prizes: We’ve got trophies for the winners, plus some for the judged classes!
So – it’s not all about speed always!
Racing Rules: There are two classes, and everyone always wants “all the rules”, so here they are. (click the link)
It’s all in good fun, come on out and make a day of it with other youth from the nearby areas!
(sorry, no Beaver Buggies allowed, this is SERIOUS KAR racing only!)
Attendance/Welcome Details – ie: “who can come”
This is a 100% inclusive Scouting event.
That is, any members of a registered and insured youth-serving organization, who identify with the programs of the Baden-Powell family as their original source, are most welcome to attend and join in.
Our expectations and understandings in this area are pretty simple:
- Youth members will be in their uniforms from the waist up, such as your group might wear for a community-facing event. (in our group, that’s their uniform shirt & necker, for example)
- All those in uniform, will be current registered & insured members, within the criteria of your organization.
- Adult/Leaders in uniform, will be similarly registered & insured, and fully screened and PRC/VSS checked, per your organization’s policies.
- Your youth, will be your responsibility, at all times.
- Adult/Leaders in uniform, will not give direction to youth from other groups, except in situations of immediate urgency or emergency. (let’s not be stupid about this, we simply mean that the kids come first in all of our organizations)
- Parents & siblings with parents, are welcome to attend.
They can buy a lunch ticket before 10am, and will be fed.
They are not covered/insured, and are their own parent’s responsibility in the case of siblings. By walking in the door, they agree to this. - Other unattached adults, unregistered members, etc – are not welcome.
This is not a public event. - Ask any questions – we can adjust this to better suit any additional needs of your org.
(I tried to think of most things)
Questions? Ask. There are no stupid questions.
Call, or write: (905) 692-0693 or
Thanks! See you at the races!