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Battlefields Council - Kub Kar Rally - Hamilton-Wentworth Area
(Hosted in Binbrook)
Event Date: Sunday March 4th, 2018Race Results, by class:
Light Weight
- Heavy Weight If your Cub would like to see their Kar's individual stats, please feel free to email us and we can send it to you. Date established for the following reasons, to support positive group and area program development plans:
Location: St. Matthew Catholic Elementary School200 Windwood Drive, Hamilton, Ontario, L0R 1C0 (parking is tight, please use side streets graciously) Thank you to the HWCDSB for supporting the event through the use of their facility, but note, that this is not an HWCDSB sanctioned or sponsored event. (boilerplate!) Map: https://goo.gl/maps/3EQkMfuu4bH2 Timing: Check-in starts at 8:30am, Grand Howl at 9:00, 9:30 Racing start Approx 11:30 lunch with drink, included for youth (pizza! – please bring alternatives if this is a problem for your youth) Cost is $7:00 per youth ($140 per area
for 20 Kub Kars), including lunch & badge. All payments should be made
to Scouts Canada. Adult, Leader, and non-participating youth lunch tickets, will be on sale at arrival desk, prior to 10am. Additional badges (for leaders or others) will be for sale, after check-in of participants is completed. Canteen will be available throughout, for snacks and drinks. Questions? contact Scouter Andy @ 905-692-0693 or KubKars@1stBinbrook.orgOr relay this website link to others, to share details, directions, or registration information. www.1stBinbrook.org/kkr Open to registered Cubs within the council, who have a successful KubKar from either the 2016-2017 or 2017-2018 Scouting Season.*(because of last year's cancellation, see more details in the rules section below)
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Kub Kars and the Scouting Spirit Before we get into the rules, please be aware that this event will operate with the best ideals of the Scouting Spirit and Method, wholly in mind. While it is a competition between Cubs and their Kars, the day is about them and their adventure… from construction through to the finish line. We are trying to keep this in mind, and we would ask the same of everyone attending, and assisting with Kars ahead of time. (parents included!) This will mean things like the youth taking personal responsibility for racing their own cars, and getting them to the start line when prompted. It will also mean that we will be prepared to assist in the event of accidents, with the help of our able-bodied pit crew. If there are questions or disputes, let’s all make sure we settle them in the best possible way for the youth, and with a smile. |
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Battlefields Council Kub Kar Rules 2018 Rules and Regulations for Battlefields Council Kub Kars:
1 All Kub Kars must be built for the current Scouting year
(2017-2018), or last year (2016-2017), due to the non-event of last
2 All Kub Kars must fall into One of Two weight Categories: Light Weight: A Light Weight Kub Kar shall not exceed a weight of 112.0 grams Heavy Weight: A Heavy Weight Kub Kar shall weigh no less than 112.1 grams and shall not exceed 142.0 grams If you have "show cars", leader cars, or others you enjoy bringing... please do. The system will allow us to race them too, without affecting standings. 3 A Kub Kar must fit the following dimensions: a. Width: Must not exceed 70.0 mm. b. Length: Must not exceed 180.0 mm. c. Height: Must not exceed 80.0 mm. d. Track Clearance: No less then 9mm e. Inside edges of left and right wheels shall be no less then 45mm apart 4 Each Kub Kar must pass inspection by the Inspection Committee. The Inspection Committee has the authority to disqualify any Kub Kar for not meeting the specifications. At the discretion of the inspection committee time will be granted for any non-conforming Kars to be modified, in order to meet the specifications and be included. 5 No loose material of any kind is permitted in or on the Kub Kar. The Kub Kar may be hollowed out and built up to the maximum width and height by the addition of wood or metal, to an original Kub Kar kit (the original block of wood, nails and wheels are to be used as intended. No substitutions.). 6 Details such as steering wheels, drivers, decals, paintings are permissible as long as the details do not cause the Kub Kar to exceed the specified weight categories, height, and length or width specifications. They must be attached. No loose items, or items that could interfere with other cars or the timing system. 7 *Kub Kar bottoms should try and remain paint free.* This allows the race committee at the Council level to apply markings to a clean and paint free surface. Bottoms should have the youth’s name, group, area and the year 2017 or 2018 on it. 8 Only original Scouts Canada (or parallel BSA) Wheels and Nails are permitted. The wheels and axles may be de-burred and flashing removed. The tread surface may be smoothed but the original diameter and width must not be altered. The edges of the wheels must not be intentionally radiused, chamfered or reduced from the original contact width.
Only silicone type lubricants can be used.
or similar based oils are not permitted* 10 The forward most point of the vehicle must contact and be able to rest squarely on the track starting pin. 11 Wheel Bearings, washers and bushings are prohibited. 12 Springs or any other suspension devises are prohibited. "Slotting" or "spring boarding" by cutting slots lengthwise more than 5cm from the axle nail is considered a type of suspension device. 13 All 4 wheels must be installed. Minimum of 3 wheels must contact the track surface. 14 The Kub Kar must be freewheeling with no moving or sliding starting devices or other mechanical assistance. No device may extend forward after starting to affect the finish line electronic timer. 15 The Kub Kar will race in a forward direction only. (Front of the car should be marked on the bottom of the car with an arrow if there is any chance of confusion) 16 If a Kub Kar leaves the track or has parts that have fallen off of the car, repairs will be made and the race will be re-run. 17 No modifications are permitted after registration. Emergency repairs may be carried out only if damaged by racing or being accidentally dropped. 18 Pitting, consisting only of re-lubricating the car, with no additional modifications, will only be allowed prior to each round. There will be no lubrication of the car during an active round. 19 A Cub that is unable to attend can have one other youth race their car. Please keep this within reason, and for good reasons. (making one youth responsible for racing 4 other cars, isn’t fair to anyone!) 20 All participants must be wearing a Scouting Uniform to race 21 Each Area must register a list of the participants 1 week prior to the event, on supplied forms, preferably sent to us as an emailed spreadsheet. Please send the names of ALL potential racers, and only those checked in will be scheduled to race. (we’d rather avoid manually adding ANY names on the day of racing) If your group or area is not participating in local rallies, or the Council Rally, and you would like to attend in person, please email us at the address below and explain. We are flexible. 22 Leaders occasionally bring “exhibition only” cars of their own design, and this is welcome. Please register them on the form, at the bottom, and mark them as YES under the Exhibition Only column, and they may race for fun. (some limitations may apply, if the roster becomes too full, but put them on the registration list anyhow, just in case) Complete and email the attached spreadsheet to: KubKars@1stBinbrook.org If you cannot email your registration form, please fax to (905) 692-0695 Or, postal mail well in advance of the event to:
371 Binbrook Road
Thanks! See you at the races! |
Registration Form | Excel Spreadsheet |