

This is the original core level of Scouting, now involving girls and boys, ages 11-14. (age determined by birthday landing in the same calendar year as registration, same as the schools, essentially Grade 6-9)

It is a program of indoor and outdoor activity. Active and healthy lifestyle. Growth, learning, and self-determination.
Scouts actually control a lot of their own program, discipline, and internal group planning.
Weekend camps are the norm, as is a week away in the summer at the Haliburton Scout Reserve.

We are running Scouts, on Wednesday nights, from 7-9pm, in the main Gym at the Binbrook United Church (2617 Binbrook Road), and you may register with us at any time.
(see our photo gallery on the menu to the left, to see some of the Troop in action!)

We are looking for folks 17+ interested in helping out, in addition to parent participation.

For the 2016-2017 Season, the registration fee is $200.00 online, $225 in person..

To Explain:  Scouts Canada collects this registration fee to cover insurance of activities, camp management, admin, overhead, etc.
All local program and activities are run 100% by volunteers, there are no "paid staff".

Many groups also ask youth to bring a weekly $1, $2, or even $5 or so, as "dues", to pay for ongoing supplies. We don't do that.
We work together to keep our registration fee as low as we possibly can, and work hard to fundraise the funds needed to support our program through the year.

Many do not realize it, but Scouting is not a government or agency funded program. We are self-supporting.

Cheques payable to: "Scouts Canada - 1st Binbrook Group", please.

This cost does not include the Scout uniform (link below), but it's not terribly expensive, and many times available second hand from families with older youth.

If you want to fill out the registration form at home, and print it off, follow this link. (it's a PDF document, but you can actually type on it, and then print it out!)

Or, you can register and pay online, via

This is the summary from the Scouts Canada Website:

11 to 14* years of age

The Scout program emphasizes having fun while encouraging youth to feel good about themselves, their friends and family, God, and the environment. The Scout program helps youth expand their leadership skills and gain self confidence.

Scouting promotes activities that encourage youth to:

  • express and respond to their own spiritual values and beliefs while showing concern for others
  • develop self reliance
  • pursue hobbies and personal interests
  • develop self discipline and the skills of working cooperatively with others
  • cooperate in setting and achieving small group and personal goals
  • practise leadership skills
  • relate with adults
  • be of service to others
  • camp, explore the outdoors, and develop good conservation practices

The Scout program is designed around a lively variety of activities based on personal and group interests. Scouts emphasizes outdoor and environmental activities, citizenship and community service, leadership, and personal development. Individual interests and skills are recognized through an awards system.

The outdoors is an essential part of the Scout program. Weekend events, extended hikes, no trace camping and seasonal sports opportunities round out the Scout experience. Developing an active, healthy lifestyle is the prime goal.

Scouts meet in a group called a troop. The troop is split into smaller groups called patrols. There is one leader for every six Scouts. Each Scout learns a promise, law and motto to help guide their personal development.

Scout Promise:
On my honour
I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to God and the Queen
To help other people at all times,
And to live by the Scout Law.

Scout Law:
A Scout is;
helpful and trustworthy,
kind and cheerful,
considerate and clean,
wise in the use of all resources.

Scout Motto:
Be Prepared

We are a uniformed organization, not unlike cadets, police, fire fighters, EMS, or even sports teams. What this helps us to do, is have a common visibility that can be recognized in our community, but also share a common bond within the organization.

Scout Uniform
Link to a good site, for Badge Program Details

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* there are occasions where maturity, or an early start at Scouts, will have a youth age-out at 13.